Wednesday, May 3, 2017


We have been planning this trip for several months now.  It will be the culmination of 50 years of marriage which actually won't happen until October 2017 but we really didn't think we wanted to drive to Alaska in the dead of their winter!!  So we are going in the spring and hoping that the snow will be almost or all gone and that the wildlife will be venturing out from their long winters nap!!

And now 5 days before we will leave --- things are getting done!!  My wonderful groomer Linda, came and groomed all of our dogs --- the Maltese & the Poodles.  You know the dogs have to look good while we are gone!!!

I have been cleaning the house and eliminating some piles --- 'cause you know that we should leave the house in decent shape when we are going to be gone!

I have been to the bank and stocked up on Canadian cash  - we will be driving through Beautiful British Columbia and also part of the Yukon.  The exchange rate is awesome right now --- about 75% so my American cash turned into a nice amount of Canadian cash.  Had to have some US cash as well since our final destination is Alaska and that is part of the Good Ole' USA!!

The next few days will be busy as well as the time is getting closer and closer.

North to Alaska!!!!!

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