Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Day 2, May 9, 2017 - Tuesday

I am very frustrated with my computer at the moment  (Still) since I Cannot get the pictures that I took yesterday on my phone to load onto the computer so I am going to have to forego letting you see all those stupendous pictures!!

This day started out too early to suit me --- but after the phone call at 7:00 AM about all I could do was shower and get going!!!  SO ----  we were out of the motel at 8:00AM --- Now those of you who know me - KNOW that I like to open my eyeballs at 8:00 AM - not be showered and heading down the road at that time!  But, sometimes I have to sacrifice.

We stopped at Denny's for breakfast and I had a major life disappointment.  They have taken the Biscuits and Gravy OFF of the menu!!!!  I had to settle for French Toast!!

Our first stop was at a NAPA store since yesterday Howard figured out that the front brake rotor was shot and it was causing a bunch of rattling that shouldn't have been that way.  We then found a really nice fixit shop that was willing to squeeze us in and fix it for us.  Remember all the spare parts that Howard packed in the trunk?  It did not include a brake rotor!!!!  Now we are ready to roll again and the car drives much better!

Down the road again --- we keep seeing signs along the road that say to watch out for bear and moose and deer ----and all we see are cows and horses and some chickens!!   Hopefully there will be a few when we get a bit further north and into Alaska!!!

We headed West on Highway 16 towards Smithers.  More beautiful scenery but it reminds me a lot of the Washington Peninsula - a lot of sparse trees, a lot of logged acres and yet a lot of open pasture and range land.  Very beautiful but no mountains - just big rolling hills.

We finished off the donuts from yesterday -- we are going to have to stock up again!!!!  But we have found that the Timmy's are few and far between this far North.

We arrived in Fraser Lake - a wide spot in the road about 12:30 and we were having some blinker problems --- flashing too fast to indicate that there was a bulb out.  Turns out it was a loose wire and the very nice guy at the little fix it shop had just the right tool to help Howard fix it.  You know all those tools in the trunk -- apparently, he didn't have that one in there either.

Burns Lake - Another thing I never realized about Beautiful British Columbia --- there are many, many lakes here and not just little puddle sized lakes --- very huge lakes that stretch for miles.
We are a bit strange and for some reason like to walk through graveyards - we found this very unique one just a bit out of Burns Lake.  Obviously it is an Indian cemetery.  VERY interesting graves.  The oldest date we found was a birthdate of 1904. There were a lot of young people - when I say young I mean the 40's & 50's!!!!  The majority of the graves had very nice headstones.

Houston --- we are thinking that we made a wrong turn somewhere!!!  Not hot enough for the other Houston, though.  The buzzer has been sounding telling us that Buck the Buick is in need of some nourishment.  We stopped and filled up again but this time it was $1.090 a liter.  Not much better but a little bit.  Howard started talking to a guy in the quick stop there and it turns out that he is a member of the Christian Reformed Church in Houston!!!  SO - now we had to go and find that.  Took a picture.  It turned out really nice.  Too bad you guys can't see it!!!

Smithers --- the mountains have returned and they are absolutely stunning in this area.  Lots of snow in the mountains here - looks more like home.  It is chilly here though -- my guess is that if it is 60 that is it!!!  But it must be like a heat wave here -- people are riding their bikes in shorts and tank tops!!

6:30 - we are in Hazelton, British Columbia!!  We are stopping for the night.  Found a motel and then went and had some more Chinese food!!  This wasn't as good  - but in a town this size, there is not a whole lot of choice.

So - good night for now.  I will work on the pictures again tomorrow!!

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