Saturday, May 6, 2017


2 days to take off!!  Are we ready?  Not quite but getting closer.

The credit card company has been notified, the bank business is taken care of, the last fundraiser has been printed and there is just one order to get ready so the grands can deliver it for me!!

The dogs are all groomed and there is plenty of food.  Just have to get the last minute instructions ready for Alysann so she knows which puppy is leaving and when.

The car has been washed and the inside vacuumed.  The trunk is starting to fill up.  Hubby is taking an extra tire, an extra alternator, an extra fan belt, an extra.............. who knows what all.  I am wondering if there will be room for a few clothes ---- and ME!!!

But then my list of take alongs are adding up as well -  all the electronic devices, the iPad, the LapTop, the iPhone, a few books, some CD's with music and a favorite preacher, the crochet hooks and some yarn!!  Idle hands are not good, you know!!!  And I can't just sit and look out of the window ALL day long!!  Who knows how many stocking hats I can make in 3 weeks and 5000 miles!!!!

There will be Snacky things to take - just in case we are hungry and the next town is 200 miles away. Bottled water, cheese sticks, High Chews, LifeSavers, Trail Mix - you know all that really good nutritious stuff!!!!

The last few loads of laundry are planned and a final trip to the grocery store this afternoon will happen!!!  I have to have enough food to last 2 teenagers for a few weeks!!!  As long as there are Oreos for Curt and coffee for Alysann --I am in good shape!!!

And now need to get going on those last few things that need to be done...............  See everyone on Monday!!!

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