Thursday, May 11, 2017


MAY 11, 2017 - Thursday

After a really good nights sleep in Dease Lake we were on the road about 9 AM.  More miles to head North on the winding and beautiful road.  It was about 40 degrees F this morning.

We saw a moose today and got a fairly good picture of him/her. We are not up on our moose identification so we were not sure!!  And we didn't want to get close enough to ask him/her or to get a closer look!!!

There is certainly not too much traffic out here but that is OK.  The road is ours --- well, most of the time.  We rounded a corner and there in the middle of nowhere was a place called Jade City.  I am not really into Jade but it looked interesting so we stopped.  The young girl that worked there was very informative and it was a neat experience.  The jade is all mined about 30 miles from here and the jade boulders are then shipped by containers on ships to China or the Philippines and there it is cut into smaller pieces and fashioned into rings and small bears and a whole variety of trinkets and shipped bak to Canada.  I found a really nice jade rock - about the size of a softball and Howard wouldn't let me buy it.  He thought $59.99 for a rock was a bit much.  It was beautiful but!!!

She said that they cut some of the jade here and make bookends, etc.  The boulder above is solid jade!!!  Wow!!!

This little series shows how a piece of jade is cut and fashioned into a bear. The little piece in the front is a small fish!!

After spending some time there we headed down the road again.  We came through an area that had had a forest fire back in 2011 and 2012.  So desolate with very little new growth as yet.  The road is straight and sometimes narrow but it is a very nice road --- an occasional little bump or so but nothing like we had anticipated after hearing stories from other people.

We read a sign a bit further up the road that said that this forest fire had been started by lightening and when a fire is a natural occurring fire it cannot be fought by 'human' methods and must go out naturally.  It also said that forest fires are very essential to the well being of the forest -- creates new growth, gives the earth much needed  'mulch' from the burned stuff and actually helps the animals!!!  I guess I am going to have to believe that.


Who would have ever thought that we would get to THE YUKON!!!  But here we are!!

The scenery pictures that I am sharing do not compare with the beauty that surrounds us.  The lakes, the mountains, all the trees are absolutely breathtaking!!  I just marvel at the handiwork of our Great God in all the works of His creation.

Watson Lake Sign Post Village!!  A place where several years ago a young military man was ordered to put up a street sign that had fallen down.  Instead he put up a sign with his own name and it has blossomed since then.  There are now over 88,000 signs nailed to trees and posts and from every state and province and probably every country of the world.  And now there are 88,000 plus one!!!

               And with as many nails as Howard put into that sign - it will never come down!!!!

Back in 1988 may parents and some of their friends were at the very same place and they placed a sign that my dad had made!!  We searched and searched but with 88,000 signs where were we going to find it?  We looked for a while and decided that it was hopeless.  I walked a bit further into the 'forest' of signs ---- and there it was!!!!!  Rock Valley, Iowa with the names of Bert-Grace, Agner - Nella, Pete - Viola & Ben - Marlys!!!!  It is hard to believe but I'm so glad that I found it.

We spent a bit more time there and then headed west again.  The incredible amount of evergreen trees out here is absolutely mind boggling!  The mountains are beautiful and majestic and the lakes are like seas of glass - except the ones that are still frozen!!

The weather has been very nice since we left.  Of course, cool, but sunny and occasionally a bit of rain or mist.  We have not had a downpour as yet and that is good!!!

And Stocking Hat # 3 is finished!!!!

We are spending the night in Whitehorse, Yukon - the capital of the Yukon. And after a 3rd night of Chinese food - I am ready for bed!!!  It is almost 10:30 PM and the sun has NOT gone to bed as yet!!!  It is still very light outside!!!

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