Sunday, May 14, 2017



We could sleep in a bit this morning ---just like at home.  We both had some breakfast that this hotel provided so feasted on muffins and granola bars and a cup of coffee and tea.  We are staying a couple nights at Extended Stay America ---  king size bed, kitchenette,  sofa, nice bathroom and laundry facilities!!  It actually feels good to relax - just like at home and not be on the road today.

We went to church this AM at the Trinity Christian Reformed Church. Pastor Bill Vis is the preacher and he had a really nice message about honoring our parents but especially our Mothers!!!!!!!  Pretty fitting for a Mother's Day message.

And it is a VERY small world.  We went into church this AM and a lady came and introduced herself as Jan DeYong.  I asked her about their pastor, Bill Vis since we know a Bill Vis that is a pastor and I wondered if this was the same guy!  I told her that I had gone to school with Betty (Baartman) Vis and she said , "In Rock Valley?"  And the rest is history and we started playing Dutch Bingo!!  Her maiden name was Stegenga and I was in the same class as her brother Robert at RV Christian School, before they moved to Luverne, Minnesota.        
Well, she is a first cousin of my friend, Glenda and it turns out that she went to school at Hills Christian school so also knows my friend, Alma's family!!!  
We also met Veltkamps who are relatives to the Bierlinks in Lynden know this Dutch community is very wide spread and yet very connected!!!!

  This is Jan DeJong and her daughters, Nicole and Kristi.

By the way - this Pastor Bill Vis is a cousin of the Pastor Bill Vis that I know!!!!

And back at the motel we are continuing our Sunday after church tradition of a bag of microwave popcorn!!!

And now it is Sunday afternoon nap time!!  To be continued.

Can you believe it --- I couldn't sleep!!!  Now that is strange for a Sunday afternoon!!!  So I got up and worked on a stocking hat for a while!!

Tonight we went to Crosspoint Community Church in Anchorage.  We were sitting there for a little bit and in walked the daughter of our neighbor - Sharon & Bob Visser!!!  Both Lynden Natives!  We talked to them a bit after church and then were invited to share in the Sunday Once a Month Potluck Meal!!  We visited with a fellow from Grand Rapids, Michigan with the good old Dutch name of Kuiper!!  There are so many transplants from the lower 48 to this beautiful state and most of those transplants have been here for 30 + years!!  See - it REALLY is a very small world.

We came home from church and I did a few loads of laundry at the facility right here in the motel.  We only took a few changes of clothes along - will just do a couple loads once a week and keep wearing the same things over and over!!

Now to work on that stocking hat a bit more --- I am getting behind in my goal of one a day!!

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