Friday, May 26, 2017


THURSDAY  - MAY 24, 2017

Another sunny day to travel!!!  We left the motel about 11 AM (slept late and it felt good) and turned right to head down the road.  About 30 miles East we came to the Liard (Pronounced Lee-ard) Hot Springs!

We stopped at the gate and talked to the lady for a bit and drove into the parking lot!  It was a beautiful walk along a Ostrich Fern and  Cow Parsnip embedded pathway on a wooden side walk.



Along this pathway we met Delbert & Lorraine, a lovely couple from Wisconsin.  They were heading to Alaska and were going to be gone from home about 6 weeks!!

She said that Delbert drives and I crochet!!!  I think we could get along good with this couple!!!

We talked to them for about 15 minutes.  What - you are surprised at that length of time???

The hot springs are hot all the time!!!  I, of course, had to ask if because of the very cold winters that they have here, did it EVER freeze over?  I was told that it never does.  It must be awesome to be able to sit in hot water out in nature when the air temperatures are -30 + (or should that be -)

NO - he didn't fall in!!!!  We never take our bathing suits with us -- too much cellulite on me and too many scars on Howard -- but he wanted to soak his hands in the water for a while!!!  Couldn't resist a picture!!

The water was crystal clear and so very warm!!!

The Liard Hot Springs

Wilma Cooper - the very friendly and hard working park employee who gave us a ride back to our car in her golf cart!!!!

Wow -- look at this motorhome!!  It is a Mercedes Benz truck with living quarters in the 'box'.  It can drive on the road and also go into water up to 39 milliliters - or was that inches????  The couple driving this are Ralph & Ute (pronounced Uter) and they too are from Germany and have been touring  Canada for the last 9 months and will be going down into the US as well.

And their English far outweighed our German!!!!

On the road again --- only to come around a corner to see a herd of Mountain Sheep.  There are several different varieties and I'm not sure which these are.  They were very close to the road and didn't seem to be too bothered by all the gawky people!!!

Isn't he a studly looking dude?

They were not in a hurry to cross the road!!!

The Bison were enjoying a lazy day of spring!!!

The emerald green waters of Beautiful Muncho Lake!!  As you can see there is still a lot of ice on the lake and we have seen this in numerous places.

Muncho means "Big Lake" and it is over 7.5 miles long.  It is one of the largest natural lakes in the Canadian Rockies!

There is a scientific explanation for the color of the water too.  I won't bore you with those details - mostly because I really don't know what it is!!  All I know is that it is breathtaking and only the Divine Creator could have done this!!  No matter what the scientific explanation is!!

We were merrily driving along when we saw a vehicle with a U-Haul trailer stopped along the road.  We slowed down to see if they needed any help ----- they were standing between the car and the trailer and were kissing and hugging!  Nope - they didn't need any help!!!!

North of Ft. St. John we encountered more Mountain sheep and Elk!  

                                                                       Now isn't that about the cutest thing you've ever seen????

The sheep are very surefooted!!!  They jumped over the guardrail and onto this steep rock embankment with ease - as if they do it all the time!!  And you know  - maybe they do!!

Just one of the meandering creeks that are along the road in numerous places.  There a lot of white rocks on the shores and the rippling water is so very peaceful!

The Three Bears heading over to Goldilocks' cabin for a bit of porridge and an afternoon nap!!!

Stocking Hats # 13 & 14.

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