Tuesday, May 16, 2017


We were up a bit later this morning and that is good.  You know - I can do a lot of things but my body gets very tired if I overdue and traveling from early morning until later than I like, wears on this old lady ---  and then my eye acts up and life becomes miserable!!  We slept in Homer last night at The Kings  Landing Hotel.  It was not a fancy hotel - but it had a bed and clean sheets and a shower!  We were happy!

And remember that we couldn't find a place to eat some supper last night--- well same thing this morning so we decided to drive down the road for a few hours and then get something to eat.  We drove to Kenai, another beautiful drive along the Cook Inlet.

 When you take a wrong turn and end up on a less than adequate gravel road that leads right to the Cove!!!!  Nice drive though!!

And now for some breakfast!!! Or so we thought.  I'm not sure if it is because we are early in the tourist season or what but along the main road in Kenai we found NOT one place to have breakfast!!!
So on to Soldotna and there we found a really nice place that had ------- Biscuits & Gravy!!!!
We also talked to a guy there and he agreed that there is not too much in Kenai for good places to eat!!!  Guess it is not our eyes after all!!

With our tummies full we drove on down the road and just reveled in the scenery along the way.  Around every curve there is something new - and yet it is the same!!  But every turn and every scene that greets the eye is a WOW moment!!

Back in Anchorage.  We drove the whole circle on the Kenai Peninsula and have to go back through Anchorage to head North to Fairbanks.

While in Anchorage on Sunday we noticed a Sears Store!!  Well, Howard has a certain brand of pants that he likes -- David Tayor's!!!  And the only place that we can find them is in a Sears store but unfortunately the Sears store in our neck of the woods does not carry them.  So we drove all the way to Anchorage, Alaska to buy him some new jeans!!!!  He should feel special!!

The locals are out in great numbers.  Walking, jogging, biking - I am sure they have to get all this in before the winter months come again and they are destined to those long dark winter nights!!

We left Anchorage and headed north to Wasilla!  I thought about calling Sarah to see if we could meet for dinner but apparently after she got into all the big politics - she moved to the east coast!!!  What a bummer - I had my hopes set so high!!!!

So - since we couldn't have dinner with Sarah we chose to have dinner with The Colonel!!!  He does a great number on chicken!!!  We dine at only the best places --- as you can all see!!!

We filled the are up with gas again and I got to talking to the station attendant.  I commented on the fact that the gas price here ($2.75) is about the same as it is in Washington.  He said that once the summer season starts and the tourists all invade the place it will more than likely rise to $4 to $5 per gallon.  Another reason I am glad that we are here before the rest of the lookyloos!!! 

We are sleeping  at the Best Western in Wasilla tonight. I have discovered that booking through Travelocity has proven to be very affordable.  This is a very nice motel and no more expensive than any other that we have been at.

We met this canine officer who is staying at the BW as well. She is from Fairbanks and is in town for some additional training.  Her dog, Scout, is a real honey and a very handsome dude!!  But then, I like dogs!!!

Stocking hat # 6!!!

And it is 10:15 pm and the sun still has its happy face shining brightly!!!! My face is not quite as bright any more so ---- 'til tomorrow.  Sleep well!!

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